The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Picture snagged from one of my dads emails
Good morning, I am behind in my blogging.... I have lots of build up in my head right now, unfortunately I am in a hurry because we have baseball this morning.  First day of the fall season starts today!  Whoohooo!

Since I began this blog I have been frustrated because I can't seem to upload a video and have it produce sound...I have tried several, but to no avail.  I see the sound thing has an X on it...but can't figure out how to turn it on.  (if there is a Mac user out there that blogs please help me) I am as smart as this horse when it comes to computer know how and retention.  However, this morning I finally tried a new approach, YouTube......dahhhhhhhhh!  I have lots of cute vids up my sleeve I want to share.  Here is the most recent.  Those of you that have read my previous post will maybe appreciate the COMPROMISE I am talking about (hint - notice the pan size).  The sound is a little off, and a bit shaky....but it is something to start with.

Click on the
Oily Egg Demo


HB said...

Kev is quite the performer - I thought the kids got it from you, but now I am not so sure...? I don't think I got the full affect from the photo of the oily egg...NOW I understand!! WOW...HB

Don't think I caught the compromise...? I have to watch it again when I can turn up the sound.

Matt and Amanda Coleman said...

That egg looks absolutely DISGUSTING!! I like the little tiny pan for one person servings. SMART move on your part!!

Melissa said...

Yes Amanda! That is it! Make all the oily eggs you want in that miniature pan!

mytalkinghead said...

Oh the video really did the trick! That is awesome! I was just thinking to myself before I read your blog how I need to figure out how you get your font so fantastic in all the right places... No really, that's a nice touch! AND now this... videos and pics.. outstanding lady! Kev looks quit thrilled with your taping, as he should be ;)