The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Come Sculpt Your Assets.....

Today I was encouraged to make a decision....
one I am super excited about and hope you will join me in.
I have been talking with a few friends for some time
about running, and the benefit of 
Cross training/Strength training  
along with that.
I have been teaching my Body Sculpt class at Our Club for several 
weeks now and am truly loving it.
A few friends are joining me there, but for the most
part the time, 8:30am, is not right.
The price is too high at $38 per month +
the commitment of locking in on a gym at the tune of $50 just to climb 
on board is un-wanted.
I have been trying to wrangle a Tuesday evening class to teach 
at the library each week, but that is still in the works.
Today Tina proclaimed her fitness dreams and wishes.
In a perfect fitness world she would :
Run - Mon. @ 5:30am
Body Sculpt - Tue. "
Run - Wed. "
Body Sculpt - Fri. "

Well, that got us really talking.
Why can't we make that happen?
We don't need Our Clubs permission for me to teach my class
"Out of Doors"
We already meet each Wed. to run, we are getting ready 
to bump up our running schedule as 
several running buddies are preparing for longer upcoming races.
 (If there is enough interest)
Starting Tuesday, March 1st at 5:30 am,
@ Gleason Park
I will be teaching -
"Sculpt Your Assets"
every Tuesday and Friday - 1 hour class - 
The cost will be $25 per month - 
(every month has 8-9 classes, so that would be $2.75 - 3 per class)
-Single drop ins will be $5-
It is a wonderful opportunity for me.
A way to bring in a little extra money...
Plus, have an excuse to spend more time doing what I enjoy 
w/ friends I care about.
For is a wonderful opportunity.... 
to feel the burn I will lead you to twice each week.
You will be happy to be walking away on shaky legs after every session.
Your arms will quiver with gratitude when we are through....
....and you will love the results you see!!
Your Core will thank you for the pain,
as you see improvement in your posture, running stance, 
energy, and performance with your daily living.
Plus....did I mention we will be running twice a week....?
join us!!!
You just got new training partners on every level.

Are you in???
Please let me know....drop me your email, and if this time will work for you.
I am wide open for your ideas, suggestions,
and fitness wishes.
Here are some Gleason park highlights....
We are going to master this pole...yikes!!
I have always wanted to....haven't you?
Notice the pull up bars...yep...we are doing them!
I am terrible at pull ups!!....we better make it a competition...with a prize or something.
Look at all of these toys we will get to play with.
I love all the benches....we will make good use of those bad boys.
All you would need to bring to each class is what you see here.
A towel, a bottle of water, and weights. 
(preferably two sets, 3-5lb / 8-10lb depending on where your fitness level is)
Everyone is welcome....
Please spread the word.....can we get at least 
6 interested parties out there to get this started??
Talk to me....


Aubrey said...

I'm going to talk to Brent about this to see if he is up for dealing with kids. So, you are thinking we will be done by 6:30?

HB said...

I know this will be the best class ever!! Most trainers I have looked at here in SLC charge $35 - $45 per session...You are providing a bomb deal at $25 per month. I wish I was there to take advantage of it. I can't wait to hear how it goes. HB

Melissa said...

Yeah Aub!!! I was hoping you would be one of my girls!! Yes, we will be done by 6:30 each day. I think this time is so good.....because hopefully in most homes the little ones (and big ones) will still be sleeping when you get home.

Wish you were here to HB + Aim + Ker + Mel...

Vanessaq said...

Love it M! Sounds perfect!!! You are a genius.