The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

One of these things does not belong.....

The thing I think is that I am
always whining and complaining about how much I can't 
stand all of our stinky pets....
and then they go and do something like this.
Look at that little guy.
Click on the picture and make it big.
Look at his minuscule hanging fingers, the slim scrap of shredded
paper laying gently on his head.
....does he even notice the paper...?
It sure didn't seem so.
I would never have noticed this little guy if it weren't for our 
"un-sucking" vacuum.
It has been running ineffectual for days, 
if not weeks.
I finally couldn't go on, Ryker and I went to work disassembling 
it the other day...but there was one part that I could see was
very clogged, but that I could not figure out how to get at.
 Insert Kev into the equation.
(we were in the playroom so all the sick stuff coming out of the
vacuum would stay in a different dirty place....
and for the entertainment of the gerbils)
This has already been a long....albeit terrific day for our family.
We were in the throws of Ethan's Eagle project until almost one.
(more on that later)
So, K was not tickled that I needed his help 
on the vacuum.
(especially after I just notified him that the fridge was leaking
yellow water out from under it and it was coming at a slow
steady pace.  more on that later)
But he pulled through for me....
by pulling out loads and loads of debris...
including, but not limited to, 
many items that should NOT be found in a vacuum if you want it to 
suction properly.......
- money
- metal bullets
- yoda's head
and the grand finale....
(he asked me what my problem was when I took this picture)
- a Crayola fat tip marker.
"Ooooooooh kids.....come on in here...
we need to talk!"


HB said...

Ahhhh - that guy is SOOOO Cute. The Hamster is pretty adorable also...:) I love seeing a man at work - those darn disapointing Dyson Vacs...I guess I wouldn't work too great either with a marker...well. I should probably work on my Dyson again soon. Did that cleaning take care of the issue? HB

Melissa said...

Yes HB, it did take care of the problem. It is that trap on the very bottom that needed to come off. Every thing was jammed up there. I now know how to remove it myself if/when it happens again. Do you know the one I mean?
I agree, nothing is more thrilling to see your man work....on a project for YOU!