The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heidi.....a Tribute....

This week we lost another animal friend.
She is in a better place.
One that she can explore with out boundaries....
or limitations.
She is Free to roam and follow her dreams.
She was an adventure from the beginning.
She had a lively personality and was a keen example of persistance.
Of beating the odds....
until two days ago.
The kids had cleaned out her cage and then left it in the play room.
I noticed it out there, instead of in the office where her cage is usually....
who knows why, and I thought
fantastic, now we are thinking,
and left it at that.
Well, knowing Heidi, maybe we should have known better,
of course she got out of her cage.
She was lost for two days,
which nobody noticed but me.
 Yesterday I finally had
Ryker do a thorough sweep of the play room to see if she was
anywhere to be found.
He found her, she had gotten herself stuck 
under the dress up trunk.
 The funny thing about these pictures is that many of them 
were taken just days ago.
The upper left is Heidi w/ her stuffed jowls....
she did that every time we fed her.
Below that is Heidi recently surprising me in our bathroom 
sometime after midnight.
What a surpriser she was.
It got to the point as you may have guessed that I just stopped 
writing about any more of them.
It was no longer surprising to be surprised on a 
weekly basis.
It was just life.
I finally got to the point when I would just catch Heidi myself.
I would just go get a pair of fat sox to put on,
or maybe grab the oven mits to feel safe,
and back she would go in her cage to start the process over again.
If you look below, the other day I was capturing some
photos on my Mac and what do you know....
I notice in the back ground that there 
was Heidi, out taking a look see.
Am I going to miss her?
Does that make me a heartless monster?
I can live with that.
But really, I think if I were a true animal murderer....
I would be able to stop reminding the kids to feed and 
water them....don't you think??
I continually say I am going to stop....
one day I am going to do it.


laura said...

OMGOSH you crack me up with this....Does that make me a heartless monster? I can live with that.

Melissa said...

The fact is, you wouldn't be giving a tribute to her if you didn't "care." You're the best heartless monster yet ;)

In my heartless opinion, any animal that is so desperate to get out of the cage is setting themselves up to die. Oh that's harsh but me feeling the same about our gerbils as you do yours, you understand. :)

HB said...

This post made me cry. Poor Heidi. Look at that face...and what an explorer. She had a good time giving you a bad one...good for her. I will miss her great adventures - you are so good at the recap. Shangri-La little Heidi...HB

Melissa said...

HB....of all the posts to cry over. Still I know your love and appreciation of animals runs much deeper than mine.
Melissa....yes, that is it...they are setting themselves up to die. They are staging their own dimise.
Hi Laura!! How's the running treating you?