The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

More than Ordinary Days.....

Today was Surfside Elementary's  21st annual 
It was our kids first.
I went to help record laps and cheer the kids on.
They were raising money for their school.
They were supposed to collect pledges prior to the run.
I went in for .10 each lap, Kev went big for .25...
so for a collective .35 per lap.
Not too shabby.
Each grade was at a different time so I got to go back a few times.
The kids really took it seriously,
it was fun to take part in the event.
McCauley took number 1 in our family
and in her class. 
(She is the oldest and tallest to so it makes sense).
43 laps total - that is a whopping $15.05 -
and you thought .35 wouldn't add up to much.
 Lawson was thoroughly disturbed that M 
had beat him in laps.  
He took it really hard and was completely shocked,
he had to leave the room for a few minutes. 
He kept wanting to believe that she had had more time,
or a smaller lap to run.
He could not take in that she had outdone him.
I think because his brothers have been ribbing him the past 
several days because M has taken him down the last 
few wrestling matches they have engaged in.
He is starting to get worried.
(I felt a little responsible in M's winning, because when I saw
that she was considering quitting I said 
hey, keep going, you only have two more laps to go before you 
pass Lawson.....ooops....but dang it
I know that would motivate the heck out of me to push through).
A little "healthy" competition never hurt anyone.....right?

Ethan had his Eagle board of review on 
Thursday the 28th of April.
I was very proud of him.
He had to answer many questions about scouting in general,
his life ambitions, the problems in the world today, etc.
I can't slow the pace down.
The kids keep growing.
I feel like I look like I am crouching down in the photo with
Ethan....but I am not.
He has passed me by.

Ordinary Days
7 minutes you will want to invest HERE

1 comment:

HB said...

Girl Power!!! Interesting how far a tiny bit of motivation will go. I love the photo of Ryker - Looks like he ran hard and it looks like Lawson had fun anyway.

I can't believe how tall Ethan is. I look at Josie and Ethan and even Seth and just shake my head on how fast time goes by.