The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sweet Curb Find....

A few days ago some neighbors across the street curbed this 
sweet chair.
I saw it over there and liked what I saw,
but didn't really have a way to get it back to the house by
myself at the time.
I assumed there was something bad wrong with it anyway -
maybe it smelled, or had an ugly stain on the seat, 
likely the back was broken out or something else.
I decided I wouldn't think about it, even though it 
was almost exactly what I have had in mind for our bedroom.
I kept seeing it throughout the day, being tempted,
but finally it was gone like I knew it would be.
The next day I noticed the chair in Charlie's garage.
Huh.  Lucky.
Anyway, keeping a short story short.  
He could not use the chair in their place, 
and none of his kids had a need for it.
So he asked if I wanted it.
After a quick inspection of circling the chair, 
smelling it, sitting on it, and lifting the pad and seeing that it was
an Ethan Allen with clean tags still intact.
(my other favorite chair in the front room is E.A. also)
I was like, you bet I will take it off your hands.
Isn't it sweet?
It has not one problem with it that I can find.
I wiped it down thoroughly, and purchased two pillows to the tune of $18.
The color is not perfect....but it will do for now.
It is in our bed room.
Kev is a little bummed that I gave our clothes hamper 
to the boys to make room for it.
(The people got rid of it because they just needed the extra space)
Update on Herbie:
After two days of Charlie being a dog owner, I guess he
could not stand having to come over to our place and try and 
wrestle our broken gate, move the semi tire and force his way into
our yard to get his dog.
(first time I have been grateful for the broken gate)
because the next thing I knew,
 Herbie does not come back to sleep for two days straight.  
I did not loose any sleep over it.
Then I see Charlie out working hard on a new project and
scavenging for wood scraps.
I asked him what was up.....he was making a dog house for his dog.
Herbie has not been back since.
Say Hallelujah!
All is well that ends well.


Mamapierce said...

What a GREAT find! You find such awesome deals, Melissa! :D

Shelly Hyde said...

Charlie is making all your dreams come true! what a man.

Anonymous said...

You live a charmed life!

HB said...

I think the color looks pretty perfect in the room - is it pink or orange - from a distance it looks more pink, the close up looks pink and orange...? Very nice chair.

Did Kevin actually use the hamper? For some reason Trav puts all his cloths on the floor by the bed...Don't know why, but at least it is one spot.

Cute Charlie - I can't believe how determined he is to make that dog his. Good for him - and GREAT for you!!

So good to see you writing again.

Melissa said...

Charmed life for sure. I know it.
You said it Shelly!
Thanks Jill, sometimes I get lucky like that....but it is not like I wond a CRUISE or anything!
HB, believe it or not, Kev did use the hamper. He just has difficulty putting away his shoes and church cloths. The chair's dominant color is orange...which does make me pretty stoked, there are stripes of peach and lighter similar tones as well.