Ryker front and center on the Beach Side Little League Page.
I clicked on the link today for a friend and lookie who I saw on the little
league website!
I was like Lawson, is that Ryker?
The crossing guard called me over yesterday on my way to
pick the kids up,
(She is the nicest lady on the face of the planet...
she knows every child and mother by name and uses it ever time she
sees you. She is a little grandmother. She makes everyone
feel very special. Her name is Joan, her husband Bob
does the block next to hers, the one right in front of the school.
They are so kind.
I remember there used to be a mean crossing guard when Ethan first
went to kindergarten. What a difference, beging and ending your day
with a little bit of sweetness.)
She had a newspaper clipping in her hand,
She said is this your Ryker?
Indeed it was, he was attempting to get a kid out on third,
reaching for the ball.
If I can find that link to I will post it also.
Talk about big news around here.
: )
Very cool! Ryker is the MAN!!!
V, thank you for spurring me on to take a gander at the site today. Maybe we would have never even known.
So cool! :D
Whew Hew!! Meant for greatness for sure!! And what a fun surprise. HB
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