The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, September 2, 2011


This post is long overdue.
The introduction to Babe - (pronounced Baby)
While we were in Utah for the month of July we did 
a little shopping.
On one occasion McCauley fell in love 
with this baby doll.
We came across it at a store called, 
ABC Kids in Kaysville.
My mom had given each of the cousins $10 to purchase 
something at the store with.
M decided she would spend her money on this 
most precious doll.
I hated to break it to her...but this doll was quite a 
bit more than a 10 spot.
She said, ok, she would save her money and do jobs
to try and earn the doll before the trip ended.
Secretly this pleased me very much.
I am pretty sure I wanted her to have the doll as much
as she did....if not more.
I knew one way or another, we would not 
be leaving Utah with out that baby.
I was soooo happy to see her interested in something
besides yet another scantily clad Barbie doll,
BRATZ, or polly pocket.
She has never had a baby doll,
except for when she was a little toddler.

She never forgot about baby on the trip, 
and brought her up often.
Mom, what else can I do to earn money?

Finally, the night before we were to leave to come home,
my mom and I went down
and purchased baby.
I was relieved to see her still there.
We went in on it for M's birthday, and put her
$10 towards it.
Later that night,
after all the cousins had gone home,
and we had said our good-byes,
I brought baby out of her hiding place in M and I's closet.
Genuine surprise and joy.
It was very fun.
She went and gave Grammy hugs and thanks.
After we went back to our room 
and made plans and talked of how baby 
would do on the plane ride home.
At first M put Babe in her own bed to sleep,
but soon they were sleeping just like that photo below.
I have many a shot of the two of them 
all snuggled down together.
Babe has had a few different names, 
Emma, and Pearl...but I have never heard M call her anything
but Babe....that is how she spells it.
She pretty much goes where we go.
When McCauley goes to the store with me she loves to put
her in the baby seat on the shopping cart.
Several people have stopped to comment on 
what a good baby we have, 
only to be slightly taken aback when they get a closer look.
 McCauley is a good little mommy to her.
Always protective.
At first the brothers could not leave her alone....
always trying to take and tease her.
But she is just part of the family now.
The novelty has wore off for them.
(say hallelujah!) 
For M's birthday I have been looking for a new outfit 
or two for Babe.
She wears premie, or new born clothes.
I found this cute little dress,
had to try it on her to make sure it was a go while M
was at school.
Pretty sweet huh?
 Every so often I will get Babe off M's bed just before 
she gets home from school,
I will pack her to the door to greet the kids and tell 
McCauley that baby sure missed her today.
Ohhhhhhh, come here, let me take her.
Come on.....shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, shhh,
there there babe.
: )


Mamapierce said...

That is so incredibly sweet. :D

HB said...

I have been meaning to comment on this for days!! I LOVED this post. Mc is sooo sweet. Baby is sweet as well. It sounds like she is still serious about baby as well. Remember the Cabage Patch Kids? I feel I was pretty serious about Ernesto for a least I played with my dolls - yours sat untouched on your shelves maintaining perfect hair, faces and clothes...I was always a bit jealous.

Please tell Mc that she is a good Mom to Babe. They take good pictures together.

Loves - HB

Melissa said...

Yes it is sweet. I love it. One of my friends was like, she is still into baby dolls???!!! I am like, for sure. She thought it might be a bit abnormal, she has only boys. HB, you bring up a good point, we had our cabbage patch kids when we were quite old....were we possibly teens???? Yipes! That may have been abnormal for some.....but we sure loved those dolls didn't we?! I remember my baby in the yellow dress. I loved her so much. Not enough to remember her name....dang it! (even if I didn't play with her as much as you!!!) I can't believe I gave all of my dolls away!!! All of my collection of stuffed animals to the Webs!! Wish I had kept a few for M.

HB said...

Don't feel too bad - I made up "Ernesto" - I too felt like I should have remembered his name. I DO remember what he looked like though. Cute boy - YES we were around the 9 - 12 age range I think.

I kept my stuffed animals for a long time - now I just have my favorite bear "Ben" and another bear that is super soft. The really weird thing is how MANY stuffed animals we all had. I don't know many kids today that have that you?