The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


For as long as I can remember....
(that is not saying much)
Kevin and I have had a struggle with a certain issue
in our marriage.
I hate to call it a "Power Struggle",
it was more of a "I'm RIGHT, and You are Wrong"
kind of thing. 
I was clearly in the right.
Completely justified in my actions.

The other day, maybe even two weeks ago,
Kevin said to me,
I want you to stop throwing my clothes up into the top 
of my closet.
I said, you mean when you leave your suit coat, pants, and white
shirt draped on the kitchen chairs you 
no longer want me to get them out of sight and 
chuck them in your closet?
After 18 years of marriage I want you to understand 
that you are never going to train me to hang up 
my clothes by teaching me a lesson.
It is never going to work.
Please stop throwing my clothes in my closet.

This was such an interesting conversation for me.
It was almost like I was watching it apart from 
Standing back a little.
Sounds dumb....but I knew right then and there that
that was the right choice.
I will never lay, throw, pack, or jam Kev's 
clothes into his closet again.
It was the end of almost 20 years of conflict and not a little 
bit of resentment at times.
Since that time,
I no longer leave Kevin's pants or shorts out of the wash if he 
leaves his belt in.
If they are on the floor,
I pick them up and look at them,
smell them, as if they were my own,
then I take the belt out, hang it up,
 and either put the shorts/pants in the wash,
or I fold them and put them on his shelf in a loving manner.
I have not been involved with his church clothes once yet.
He has taken them in and hung them up.
But I would do it if I saw that he forgot,
or got busy.
I am looking for the chance when I get to do this for him.
I realized that it is a small and simple thing that I can
do to serve and support him.

What changed?
Why was my heart so soft that day?
Why did it take us (me) nearly 20 years to find peace 
with such a ridiculous precedence I had set?

Since the clothing thing I have 
added pre-loading K's tooth brush each morning and night.
Dumb, maybe, but he has noticed.
This quote is taped in my planner to remind me-
"The small things remind you of why you 
are with this person"


Mamapierce said...

I love how you post such honest experiences on here. I'm still holding out for Tyler to put away his clothes...but most likely it will never change. Guess I should just suck it up and do it.

HB said...

It is called "loving what is" - congratulations on experiencing and recognizing the simple, yet somehow incredibly difficult, concept. This post made my throat tight - I am so proud of and feel so much love for you in this moment. THAT may sound dumb, but I had to say it. LOL (Lots of Love) - HB

Melissa said...

Thanks HB. I really thought today would be the day I took over and hung K's Sunday clothes up for him. He had interviews last night with the stake pres., and got home pretty late. This morning they were out there. He is going out of town today and has had lots on his mind, I just remembered I was going to hang them for him.....well, they were not there. He beat me to it!