The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Some ideas are better than others.....

I had an idea for the "Dance Jam" class that I am teaching for 
a few weeks.
The idea was that maybe I should add a country line dance!!
That sounds really cool.
Do I personally know any line dances....?
no of course not.
Has that stopped me before?
(no, but maybe it should in the future)
The class is called Dance Jam.....
Jam to me sounds like a mixture, a combination of different
song styles and types.
Why discriminate against a certain type?
So all week I have been pouring over country songs,
watching dozens of line dance demos on YouTube.
Finally I landed on my perfect song - 
By the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
I had forgotten all about this song.

Back long, long ago when I was going to
Woods Cross High, in Utah.
 I had a favorite teacher....
I can't remember his name, 
and I certainly could not do the math he was teaching,
but I liked him.
He was a really fun and nice teacher,
(very important qualities) 
and I may have had a little crush on him.
He would always play this song when he was pumped up 
about something, happy, excited about the upcoming 
football game (he was one of the coaches to).
This song went down in my book as 
I actually found it on the library site and it came in in time for 
me to rearrange songs and burn a new improved 
Dance Jam disk.

I finally picked the YouTube video I wanted to copy
and learn, and then teach my class.
After watching it about a million times I finally got the moves down.

When I told Tina I was going to add a line dance,
she said that sounded boring and lame.
I told her too bad, I am doing it anyway.
I think they will love it.
Turns out maybe I should have listened to T's constructive criticism.  

My class today left me feeling like a complete loser.
I am not looking for "some cheese to go with my whine"
I am just telling you the facts as usual.
I know I will have more good classes, and undoubtedly more bad ones to.

Here is a quick run-down:
I got in there, the lights had not been turned on....
it takes them a half hour to "warm up".
Not a good start.
As I was getting the music ready two different "older" ladies 
came and asked me if I was teaching Zumba today.
Well, I am teaching Dance Jam, which is a compilation
of different dance moves and high energy output.
(can't remember my exact words....)
Well, because last week there really wasn't much 
dancing to it. they did notice.
Well, remember, you can always free style anytime you want.
The class was much smaller this week....
red flag number a million.
Remember the guy I told you about that comes every week?
He was there,
thank goodness.....must be doing something right.
Unfortunately he pulled a muscle during song #3.
What the??
He left limping.
When it came time for the totally awesome line dance.....
I just got stares of bewilderment.
I really did.
A few ladies tried to follow me....
but it was a bust.
A totally FLAT bust.
I did my best.
I had a few diehard fans who
"said" they really enjoyed the class....
(Are these two even normal?)
one of which was a visitor from out of town!
So she will never be back.
super. I am scared half out of my wits again for 
next week.
(unless I get taken off the schedule for bad reviews)
It looks like I am going to have to add more 
actual dancing.....more YouTube home work for me.

Do I just need to stick with these good old 
fashioned body sculpt moves?

I am going to keep listening to Fishin In The Dark....
but I have vowed to do it off the clock!

Just in Case YOU want to line dance
Here are the moves - try it!!  
You will love it.....I swear.

Pigeon Toe, Pigeon Toe
Tap Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt
2 RT front heel taps, 2 back toe taps
Tap Front, Side, Back
Heel swing back, side, front, side - TURN RT
grapevine left, then Rt
2 steps back, 2 front steps STOMP
 dozens and dozens of times!!!

Here is who I learned from...
is this my problem?
Wrong Youtube video??

Oh my goodness.
I just re-watched this.
What was I thinking.....this just broke my heart.
Love these guys,
but really....this was my very best choice?


Anonymous said...

That REALLY stinks. So sorry. I think it is a sign you should come back to us on Friday! We LOVE you:)

Melissa said...

Are you kidding me!!?? I LOVE that line dance...if I was there I would have been your biggest fan. Hope you get faithful girls (and guy) next bummer it didn't go well.

HB said...

Ya probably went better then you think. We are always our own WORST critics. I think that line dance idea was great...maybe you should have gone with Electric Slide (JK -that is the only one I know). What you need is a side kick who can dress up the normal line dance when you do an advanced 4 step class - there is always someone who adds a bunch of crazy stuff that keeps you entertained and motivated.

I think you should teach a class called Country Jam - with ALL line dancing songs...THAT would be cool.

Keep at it M - you are AWESOME...remember that Jazz dancing class you took? Those were some terrible body suits they made you wear...if you can get over wearing that thing, you can get over a perceived bump in Dance Jam.