The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, September 5, 2011


This past Saturday, and then again this morning
a few of us hit the beach for an 
early morning barefoot run.
Conditions were perfect on both days,
 today a few of us were feeling 
the exfoliating effects of the sand a little
too deeply.
I am home now with 4 raw toes.
A few minutes ago
I was limping a litte through the front room,
and mumbled something to myself like,
oh, toes are so sore.
M was behind the couch and said,
"Well, that's what you get."
Sonia, her daughter Nyssa, Maria, and Vanessa

I thought, you are right little lady.
That is what I get....
and I am glad to take it.
I will take sore toes as my reward any day for
seizing the morning and sprinting 
in the sand, running in the surf,
smelling the sea air, taking in the sunrise,
all in the company of kindred spirits I adore.
 Vanessa, me, Christi, Emily, and Jac
I will take it any day of the year.
 Some idiot in this picture needs to learn how to jump!!
...and I'm not talking about the second from the left,
at least that person can strike a pose.
McCauley begged me not to embarrass myself, but to crop me out....
I opted to just darken it enough so every face was unrecognizable.
I liked the picture too much not to post it.

One of my dear friends opted out of every picture.
She does not appreciate me taking photos of her
sweating her brains out.
She thinks exercise is a personal, private event.
I say, GET OVER IT!!!  
Bring on the photos!!
I am motivated and inspired when I see other women
working hard, sweating, and pushing themselves
to their limits.
 Going all in and not holding back.
I am completely aware that during my workouts I am 
not my most attractive and glamourous!
 I am not out there to be prissy or keep my hair in place and 
look hot.
I am out there to SWEAT!!!
I am out there to wiggle my jiggle and FIRM IT UP!!
It is a similar motivation I get when I drive past 
runners on a race day.
I can't help getting choked up.
I see them out there toiling and sweating away.
 I know what they are experiencing.
I know the hard work they have put in,
the set backs, the triumphs, the thrill of pushing 
past another milestone they never thought they could.
They are going to experience the satisfaction 
of finishing something amazing that they set out
to do for themselves.
Even though they may be in pain, and close to barfing,
or just having barfed...
it will be one of their finest moments,
and absolutely worth every raw toe they ever
walked on.

I want to be out there with them.

Who could resist this???


Anonymous said...

Love it M. You are my inspiration!

Christi said...

I love you guys! Is it possible that I've only known you for a month??!!! Truly kindred spirits :)

HB said...

Wow - what beautiful photos. You make it seem so fun to be out there sweating your guts out. I'm sure it get's funner over time w/results, etc. I am excited for your are going to do great - you have def developed the guts to finish that thing!!! HB

C and K said...

Thank you for your inspiration!! I wish so much I could be out there with you. I was up at 6 and thought of you all running on the beach. I was wishing I was there. I wish a sweaty, fit body could be achieved by proxy... no such luck. As I lay on my yoga mat, stretching, lifting, not feeling much sweat, I thought of you all. I'm with you all in spirit!!

Melissa said...

Colleen, nice one...."by proxy" idea little buddy. That would not be nearly as satisfying though. We need to find a way for you to join us again. are your feet?