The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pat myself on my Magenta head.....

My experience at Our Club today made me feel so good.
I taught a very well received body sculpt class
this morning.
Before it began I was making my way around the room,
meeting any new comers that were there and 
talking w/ them about modifications they may want to make, etc.
One lady came up to me and asked it this was really 
a "Body Sculpting" class.
Are you sure??? 
 because if I had wanted an aerobics class I would have gone to one.
 Yep, I am sure that you are in the right place my lady.
Another thing that made class fun today was that a work mate of
Kevin's participated.
He is an older gentleman...
he came straight up to me, Hey, I know Stick!
(Kev's call sign)
Kev had told me Ike was planning on coming at some point.
Very Cool.
I was doing something a little different today,
I had everyone make a really high step, one with about 7 risers under it.
They were all really nervous and not wanting to welcome
something different.
I said just relax, we will all be just fine.
I showed them how we would be using them -
first as a guide for hover squats,
then we would also be stepping up on them some,
anyone with knee concerns could just do them on the floor
or come up to the stage and use the edge,
but mostly, we were going to use them as a sweet seat to do
some heavy duty upper body work.
So.......felt great about class.
I had worked hard at compiling a
rigorous, but basic lower, upper body, and abdominal routine.
I have finally figured how to organise, write up, and keep my
workouts.  This is very good news, because up until now they have
been on loose papers, in little booklets, on scraps, taped to the back of
this page or that....etc.
Now I have a system so I can return easily to favorite classes
and pick and choose tid bits to add to new ones.
Sorry, I know I am rambling...I'm getting to it....
When class ended I had several
participants come cruising up to the stage to tell me
delicious things I very much wanted to hear.
Totally made my day.
The gal who was concerned that it wasn't really a body sculpt class
was the most passionate in her accolades.
She said that was the first "real" sculpting class she had been to in years!
She went on, but my favorite part was that she said she had finally
found her class, and that I better not go anywhere now that
she found me.
Judy said that this was her favorite class yet.
You were spot on with everything today.
It was very challenging, but also presented in a safe controlled manner!!!
I'll take it!!!
I used my Ragnar Music Mix today....just to get crazy.
Man that was fun.
then I came home, decided it was well beyond the time that I needed
to put some color on my hair.
Well, helllllllo magenta!
My bad.
My hair has been much lighter than it has been in the past,
and I have been loving it.
Surprise, surprise....the color deposits
much differently on lighter hair, i.e. blonde tones.
You probably cannot tell the brightness in this shot.
Take my word for it.
I am not loving it, and was very nervous
to go out in public.
but you know what,
you will never know it when you see me.
I am going to act like I meant to do it and that I love it.
I am going to hold my head high and just work it until it washes out.
(just wanted you to know the back story....and that I am totally faking it, 
and I have not lost my mind)
McCauley came home w/ wide eyes....
mom your hair is soooo beautiful.
Ethan said mom, that is so wrong.
It is just wrong.
That is what some young hippie would do to her hair.
I know son.


HB said...

WHOOOOT! Nice going. When I dared to do aerobics classes I definitely had my favorite teachers. I wouldn't miss their classes if I had to pick and choose. Will you get a regular class now or do you just sub or what?

You know that color will fade and you will be dying it right back to magenta...mark my words.

Love ya,

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Hug, this body sculpt class is my class each week. Thursdays at 8:30, since Jan. 13th it has been my baby. I did get to sub two classes this week also though...another body sculpt and a cycling class. !!!!

Sarah said...

Melissa, when I get back to Fl for the summer I want to come and take your class! It will totally kick my trash as I am suuuuper out of shape, but I'll at least try it! How much are the Our Club memberships?

Melissa said...

Sarah, Awesome!!! For sure come join me. I will kick your trash and you will love it! I am kidding around with you....just wanted to try saying "kick your trash"....I really like it and am going to add it to my vocab. The membership for Our club is kinda steep if you ask me. $38 per month....they usually have a $50 start up fee to boot....however, they do run summer lets cross our fingers. If you just come to the club for a day it is $10. I am working on another venture that would be less expensive for asspiering body sculpt babes. I will keep you posted on the details as I am able to pull things together.