The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Everything's A OK....

Today is a day of rejoicing.
I am feeling almost normal again.
It has been a rough 5 days.
It started back on Thursday when I felt a possible UTI coming on.
No biggie, I will just drink it off....
been there done that.
Taught my classes on Friday and by that evening
I realized I may not be able to flush it out of my system
on my own.  
The doctor was closed, urgent care had just closed.
I was having real pain and problems and finally 
went to Walgreens for some advice.
I was directed to some miracle medicine that would 
"mask" the symptoms until I could get to a doctor for assistance.
That stuff worked wonders and very fast.
oh yeah, and it was cheap.
(Just in case you ever get in the same bind)
Phew.....crisis averted.
Saturday comes, I played it safe and skipped my running group....BOO.
Went to a wonderful double baptism for two 
of our primary girls, sisters, Joey and Piper.

Hit the General RS Broadcast,
which the men, Kevin included, served us as waiters.
Loved it.
It was fun ordering him around.
I really enjoyed President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk.
It is here for you to enjoy also.

Sunday was our primary program.
I sat with our primary stake president and watched our kids
do their very best work. 
Vanessa lead, and Anita played the piano.
I was so pleased with them all.
It was such a thrill and pleasure to see their hard work pay off.
After I took over for V for the most part,
 so she could have a little break.
We had a fun sharing time, and then an ice cream social.
Very delicious and fun.
By Sunday night again I was in dire straights.
I called my mom....
she said why on earth don't you call your doctor?
Mom, they are closed.
So what?  You can still call for help.
My memory starts kicking in.....
wait a minute.
Yeah......they have a doctor on call at all times,
I used to use it all the time for my kids.
I forgot about it for me.
I called, I asked if it was ok if I took another pill, I didn't want it 
to interfere with my sample when I came to the doctor
the next day.
The doctor said, yes, of course take it.
You don't need to be uncomfortable and in pain.
We will treat you no matter what,
 we will still be able to see the white blood cells.
Awwwww....thank you!
Third dose down.
Monday morning I go into the a prescription, went and filled it.....
all went seamlessly.
I took my first antibiotic.....
it was then that things began to go very, very wrong.
I had a slight fever when I went in,
I came home and had a hot bath,
then went to bed.
Thought I would take it easy, and maybe when I got up
just do some light scrap booking.

Woke up sweating my brains out and nauseous.
Spent the day vomiting and with the runs like non other I have experienced before,
except for once almost 20 years ago while living in Louisiana.
I called the doctor again.
I said I don't think I am on the right medication.
Well, I bet you just have the would be highly unusual for 
one pill to cause such a reaction.
Do you even know the side effects?
Get a clue!
Kev gave me a blessing and headed off to North Carolina.
The kids opened cans and fed them selves for the next two days.
They loved it.....made all their favorites.
We worked together keeping things picked up.
Yesterday I was feeling better, in that I was no longer throwing up,
but I still had no energy, must have been the "muscle weakness" side effect!
naaaaaaa, probably not, what are the chances?

I would stand, go put away 6 papers.
and lay down for a rest.
Stand, go load the dishwasher with 10 items,
take a break.
My only goal was to get fresh fruit and vegetables back into the house.
At this rate I knew there was no way I was making it to Sams.
V stepped up to the plate and saved the day.
She took my list and nailed it. 
Huge blessing!!!

By evening....somebody was seriously craving a hamburger.
Can you believe that?
I was so happy to feel that way....
still not quite right in the belly,
but still....if that is what I was hankering,
there must be a reason,
 I went with it.
The kids were surprised, but happy to oblige.
Went to Wendys and got a Jr. Deluxe.
It sat well.
Guess I needed some red meat protein.
We watched The X Factor and all went to bed.
I woke up once, drenched in sweat, changed, went back to bed.
Maybe that was the last of it leaving my system.
I woke up feeling so wonderful!!

I am so happy.
I am so grateful.
I am not certain that the UTI won't come back
because I only took one pill and will never take another.
But at least I can start fresh.
I had thoughts that maybe my sojourn on this earth were coming to
an end a few times.
I was ok with is all in Gods hands.
What a wimp.
I have a renewed respect and awe factor for those that suffer continually.
I truly do not know how they move from day to day.

I sprang out of my bed directly to my knees.
Thanking Heavenly Father for heath and strength.
Jovially woke the kids up and asked if they wanted sweet rolls for breakfast!!
Mom is back in town kids!
Unfortunately my children are still eating from cans.....
but at least I am the one opening them.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Vocal Point Motts Q -

Coupon Tid Bit - 
Mott's for tots juice coupon from Vocal Point!!
Get it HERE.

All Jammed out.....

I just returned home from teaching my 
last installment of 
three Dance Jam called
"Dance Interval" 
which I like much better.
I had wrapped my mind around a possible rough ending.
I was just hoping and praying someone would show up.
I got there 5 minutes early.....
 clock was ticking....
...... minutes pasted....
I was trying to look busy with the music....
for who?
 no one was in there.
It got one point the door opened,
but it was just the floor manager giving a tour to a future member.....

Oh my gosh.
I did get 4 attendees.
The class will go forward.

It was so much fun.
We had a ball.
Worked our butts off.
Drank, and sweat, and enjoyed the movement.

After, everybody was complimentary.
Yes, EVERYBODY....all 4.
But especially Judy, 
she came up and said I need to tell you something.
Your class was wonderful.
I am going to go do a write up saying we need to keep your class.
I thought it was perfect.
I just think not enough people have given it a chance.

Thank you so much.
It was like mana from Heaven.
She could not know how much her comments meant to me.
It allowed me to walk away feeling so good.
That was my little baby creation.
I put my sweat and tears into that guy.
I consider it a successful endever, 
and a happy ending.
I am grateful I overcame my fear of teaching "dance" and
just went for it.
check mark.
What's next??

Oh, just in case you are wondering,
the line dance stayed, I did it much different than the first 
attempt.  I just used the movements and repeated them
rather than going from one move to the next, to the next.
Make sense?
I hit the nail on the head this go round.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our Own Private Cloud Burst.....

Yesterday started out a little rocky for our family.
I woke up @ 5:00am as usual, 
ready to teach early morning sculpt with the girls.
I got ready, woke Ethan up, but as I was 
literally walking out the door it started to pour.
I came back in waited a few,
emailed the girls what I thought to be obvious...
duh, no class today.....
as if I need to tell you this.
Lawson woke up from the rain and went to the 
Kev, got up even, and was all discombobulated.
I passed him on his way to the rest room,
(popular place this morn)
We could hear the rain,
he said, is that from outside?
yes, that rain sound is from outside.....correct.
Everyone but Ethan and I went back to bed.
I decided I would begin a project and maybe try and workout later.
I started with my desk....
As I was working away I got an email from T.,
this was around 6:20am,
She said, Emily gave us a great class this morning....
are you up yet?
What do you mean? went to the park?...
in the rain??
There was no rain....good try.....we know you slept in.
HEY, it rained like mad here!
Well, everyone was there but you.
Everyone includes girls that have to drive past our street to get to the park.
and no one saw rain....
except for,
 I was told later one gal that comes from the opposite direction,
she saw a little but just came anyway.

I felt like a huge dork!
I was so mad.
Everyone is whining (bragging) about their sore this,
and sore that.
I have never been less sore in my life.
I sent T a picture of our wet patio...
she said I probably used the hose on it.
I dug into my projects....I was propelled forward....

This past week I made a purchase for our family.
Ta -Daaaa!
Our family is heavy into ping-pong,
my siblings and their spouses as well....
or should I say, especially?
My parents have a table in their basement. 
Their walls (sheet rock) 
display the current champion at all times.
It is a coveted and sought after achievement.
Let me just say this: 
Look out family....
the Christensen's are going to be more than ready this year.

More than ready.

This table is a real beauty.  
A lady on my homeschool email group,
I stay connected with this group for this reason alone,
was selling it for $80.
It is a X-3000 Sportcraft.
Clean one owner, less than a year old.
I asked why they were selling it,
well we just don't have the room for it.  
Ha, I hear you there.
But I figure you find a way to make the important things
fit into your life/home.

When the kids and I went to pick it up I had to chuckle to my
self, they lived in a mansion.
I wondered why she didn't just tell me they just don't use it.
 Because believe it or not,
for us it actually added room to our place.
Look down, now instead of just a tiny hall to welcome our
many visitors, we have a foyer...
or as some would call it, a fwa - yey.
I'm pretty sure once you add furniture to a space it is automatically
another room in the house....
am I right?
I was standing in the closet while taking
this shot, but still.
 Here is another look into the fwayey from the "Great Room".
 I had to take that tall table from the office, and replace it with
this short one so the kids could have a place for Legos
besides having them out behind the couches with them
squished together.

To make room for the Ping -Pong table there
was some displacement.
I really do not want to get rid of any of our
precious tables.
I know in my heart of hearts, 
that one day,
one day we will move out of this house.
So I have got to hang onto any item that I care about.
I will find a place for it, find another room I 
didn't already know about....
whatever it takes.
I am really happy with the way things look here.
As you can see we have condensed the work out room
with the play room.
Part of the challenge in playing on our table is trying to get to 
the ball that gets past you and into the combo room directly 
behind your back.
You also need to be a little careful not to take too big a swing
with your paddle
or you will make contact with the weighted barbell.
Definitely good training, 
and keeps you on your toes.

While I was cleaning out closets and reorganizing things I came 
across these white curtains for M's room.
Her blinds have been broken forever, we have been rigging them
each morning and night. more.
Felt good to rip those down....
along with small chunks of paint.
I started a few other biggies, but I am not prepared 
to show them at this time.
As soon as I am done I will unveil.

Oh, yeah,
I forgot to tell you one of the most important parts 
of the morning.
Kev called me into our room after he had gone back to 
sleep for an hour or so.
He was in distress.
He said, why don't you put a bowl out there?
Excuse me hon, why don't I what?
Put a bowl down!
Water is coming in something!
I look again into the dry playroom.

Honey, open your are dreaming.
You are having a nightmare about the rain and our playroom roof.

I have not mentioned it yet on my blog,
but this is what I found the other day after the rain.
I gasped.
I was so, so disappointed.
I am tearing up now.
There is a new leak in the roof.  
A different spot.
Kev is tore up about it, and apparently it is weighing heavy on his mind.
Makes sense if you remember the last leak.
Read HERE and HERE if you need a reminder.

He said he had nerver had a more real dream.
He had walked into the front room and looked into the playroom.
Water was coming in all along the back portion of the ceiling.
I had moved the Ping-Pong table to the opposite
edge to try and save it.
I really liked that he was already dreaming about the table 
and that it evidently means a great deal to him.
He had been beaten by Ryker the previous evening.
That was after he gave me a hard time for getting the table to begin with.
Come to find out he cares deeply for it.
Can you understand why we are a little sensitive about the rain?
Are you maybe a little curious 
as to why our house was singled out
to have a cloud burst unload on it yesterday morning?
Just a little curious?
Truth be told.....
I'm kinda glad it got me more motivated than I have
been in a very long time to do some house stuff.
I never did get to that workout.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

DOUBLE Birthday Month.....

Let me begin by saying,
I am Sorry....
Sorry for not documenting Lawson's birthday
as I should have.
He had a wonderful time having several good
buddies over for a 
"Lego Gaming EXTRAVAGANZA!!" 
They had fun.
He received some super fun lego sets that he and M have
been playing with for hours on end,
and a neat spy set that came with a mini recorder
that he has been using to the fullest.
Trust me on this one.
Here is a little snippet into the fun.
I did a better job on M's party.
I think this is the first party I have ever 
paid real money to go to an actual place and have the party there.
The big events are always done at our home
with the help of magazine ideas and anywhere
else I can glean an ounce of creativity.
Lawson asked me not to include 
"Feats of Strength" 
this year.
McCauley has recently learned how to roller skate,
so her dream party would be held at 
why not...
 She was allowed to invite 8 friends.
They each got 4 game tokens,
pizza, and soda, Galaxy also provided all paper goods,
and even candles (which I forgot).
The only thing I provided were the cup cakes.
The party was from noon - 4pm.
Which included an hour in the "Party Room",
a little walled in space w/ a few tables.
Parents skated for free.
M got to request a special song -
JLO "Get on the Floor"
Make a wish!
Kev made it to the Par -TAE to have a little skate time 
with M and me....
I was hoping for a couples only skate but it didn't happen.
The Birthday girl also got a minute of
coveted time in the prize ticket wind booth.
What a rush.
M stayed focused to the end.
Babe wanted in on the action.
She made this sign and got a new outfit with a
fancy head band for a surprise for "ma ma".

 Relaxing in the after math.
The new arm stockings she won from the prize booth.
What a score!
She tried to wear them to church today....
but after some second thoughts
and consideration,
 we agreed they might be better for home wearing and Halloween.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Some ideas are better than others.....

I had an idea for the "Dance Jam" class that I am teaching for 
a few weeks.
The idea was that maybe I should add a country line dance!!
That sounds really cool.
Do I personally know any line dances....?
no of course not.
Has that stopped me before?
(no, but maybe it should in the future)
The class is called Dance Jam.....
Jam to me sounds like a mixture, a combination of different
song styles and types.
Why discriminate against a certain type?
So all week I have been pouring over country songs,
watching dozens of line dance demos on YouTube.
Finally I landed on my perfect song - 
By the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
I had forgotten all about this song.

Back long, long ago when I was going to
Woods Cross High, in Utah.
 I had a favorite teacher....
I can't remember his name, 
and I certainly could not do the math he was teaching,
but I liked him.
He was a really fun and nice teacher,
(very important qualities) 
and I may have had a little crush on him.
He would always play this song when he was pumped up 
about something, happy, excited about the upcoming 
football game (he was one of the coaches to).
This song went down in my book as 
I actually found it on the library site and it came in in time for 
me to rearrange songs and burn a new improved 
Dance Jam disk.

I finally picked the YouTube video I wanted to copy
and learn, and then teach my class.
After watching it about a million times I finally got the moves down.

When I told Tina I was going to add a line dance,
she said that sounded boring and lame.
I told her too bad, I am doing it anyway.
I think they will love it.
Turns out maybe I should have listened to T's constructive criticism.  

My class today left me feeling like a complete loser.
I am not looking for "some cheese to go with my whine"
I am just telling you the facts as usual.
I know I will have more good classes, and undoubtedly more bad ones to.

Here is a quick run-down:
I got in there, the lights had not been turned on....
it takes them a half hour to "warm up".
Not a good start.
As I was getting the music ready two different "older" ladies 
came and asked me if I was teaching Zumba today.
Well, I am teaching Dance Jam, which is a compilation
of different dance moves and high energy output.
(can't remember my exact words....)
Well, because last week there really wasn't much 
dancing to it. they did notice.
Well, remember, you can always free style anytime you want.
The class was much smaller this week....
red flag number a million.
Remember the guy I told you about that comes every week?
He was there,
thank goodness.....must be doing something right.
Unfortunately he pulled a muscle during song #3.
What the??
He left limping.
When it came time for the totally awesome line dance.....
I just got stares of bewilderment.
I really did.
A few ladies tried to follow me....
but it was a bust.
A totally FLAT bust.
I did my best.
I had a few diehard fans who
"said" they really enjoyed the class....
(Are these two even normal?)
one of which was a visitor from out of town!
So she will never be back.
super. I am scared half out of my wits again for 
next week.
(unless I get taken off the schedule for bad reviews)
It looks like I am going to have to add more 
actual dancing.....more YouTube home work for me.

Do I just need to stick with these good old 
fashioned body sculpt moves?

I am going to keep listening to Fishin In The Dark....
but I have vowed to do it off the clock!

Just in Case YOU want to line dance
Here are the moves - try it!!  
You will love it.....I swear.

Pigeon Toe, Pigeon Toe
Tap Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt
2 RT front heel taps, 2 back toe taps
Tap Front, Side, Back
Heel swing back, side, front, side - TURN RT
grapevine left, then Rt
2 steps back, 2 front steps STOMP
 dozens and dozens of times!!!

Here is who I learned from...
is this my problem?
Wrong Youtube video??

Oh my goodness.
I just re-watched this.
What was I thinking.....this just broke my heart.
Love these guys,
but really....this was my very best choice?

Monday, September 12, 2011

You had me at Choff.....

Picture this....
having just worked out very vigorously....
being rewarded with 
shaky, albeit happy muscles, 
dripping with sweat....
 today, instead of getting in my car and heading 
straight home, 
I head in the opposite direction....
I turn towards my friend's house instead!!
In the dark.
In the early morning...before most people are even 
thinking of getting out of bed....
I am thinking of drinking Choffy and
having fun!!!
Myself and my other lucky friend Christi,
get out and walk to the door,
we are greeted with the 
 shweet schmell of 
Choffy .... and Tiramisu.
(ok, couldn't smell the Tiramisu...but I saw it with my eyes and that was even better than smelling it,
but not as good as tasting it.)
Tina invited us over for a little 

but between three friends, instead of two.

We have been pumped up to try this "Choffy" 
for a while now.
It is brewed cocoa beans.
Tina has been bragging this phenomenal dark chocolate 
drink up for weeks now.
She has had us all salivating at the mouth and finally
broke down and had a few of us over.

I am not going to lie,
I think it is an acquired taste....
and I have every intention
of acquiring it. 
At first taste it is very bitter.
She had lots of creamers, sugar, and what not available 
to try with it.
I went with a hazelnut add in.
She sent the ground beans through the press up above.
It was pretty cool.
There are tons of reasons to drink choffy as opposed to 
coffee....but rather than me trying to tell you about them
and getting them all wrong and
mix up all the "antioxidant" details and so forth, 
just go check out her blog if you 
have an interest.

Part two of the TETE A TETE....
The Tiramisu was to die for!
Now, I am not a connoisseur of these things....
but I will tell you this little cup O goodness
was amazing!
Tina offered Christi and I a personal cup,
or if we felt we wouldn't be able to finish that portion,
 we could opt for a small slice out
of the pan.
We will both take the personalized predone dishes.
I hear Christi gafa and say something to the
effect that she would have no problem putting
that little guy away.
It was naturally made with Choffy instead of Coffee,
 and no alcohol of course.
"Mormon Approved"
Yowsa....what can I say about this stuff....
there are no words to describe it adequately....
um, ok, let me try....
that cocoa powder on top.....sooooo delish!
The lady fingers on the bottom....
dripping in choffy goodness.
you gettin the picture?
Here is her blog again where you will find the recipe for this
mound of heavenly delight. 

Before  /  After

I had so much fun this morning.
Thank you.
What a perfect start to the day.
Maybe this could be our new GNO time.
Before the rest of the family is even out of bed!!!
(not the case w/ her son Braden)
I want to do this once a month.....PLEASE!!!!!
Even though you say that Choffy does not contain 
caffeine, but rather bromamine......or whatever it is,
I was a ball of energy.
I was a super powered drill sergent when I got home with the kids.
(A nice one)  We had a lot to get done before Lawson's party....and we did it!
I loved it.
But you are right.
No jitters, or crazy crash at any time....
just didn't come home and feel the need to crawl into bed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


After church the kids and I always take out the papers.
I divy out the two sports pages to 
Ethan and Ryker.
Lawson and McCauley each get one of the comics.
I get all the guts... ads, coupons, and such.
M usually asks me to read a comic or two to her.
Today she asked me to read this one....
at first glance I was like, 
awwww, geez McCauley,
why this one?
(It was not her typical choice, usually she chooses the ones
with girls and cute kids)
I started reading....

I got quite, 
and had to stop on a few occasions because I got
choked up.
At the end M said she didn't really catch what was funny 
about it.
It caught me off guard to.
I appreciated it.

M said excitedly.....
Ohhhhhh, so that's what 9/11 is!
While I was in the hall with one of the older
girls today she asked me if I knew what 9/11 was.
I said I didn't, 
but then she walked away without telling me.
Then when we were singing I asked my friend 
why she was wearing the american flag today.
She said she didn't know,
her mom just gave it to her.
Now I get it!!
It was to remember 9/11.
We talked more about it.
I explained the words she didn't understand like terrorists.
It got me finally thinking back on that day.
I remember I was ironing,
I never iron.
I had the t.v. on in the day....
I never have the t.v. on in the day time.
I remember watching it unfold in disbelief.
The boys have football on now.
M and I keep running in to watch the 
commemoration tributes that are going on in-between
the playing of the game. 
I am grateful that others remember,
so that I cannot forget.

Friday, September 9, 2011

DANCE JAM Report .....

at long last, I taught my first Zumba class....
only, I am not certified, so it was 
called "Dance Jam".
This has been in the making for a while.
If you missed the back story,
you can find it HERE.

There is a full time Zumba instructor at Our Club that has
become injured.  She has tendonitis in her foot,
which is apparently quite painful.
She teaches every Wed. and Fri. at 8:30.
I have seen several pleas for help from Maria trying to get subs.
Finally I could take it no longer....
I went for it.
Why shouldn't I?
Do I want to?
Heck YES!
Do I know how to Zumba or dance.....?
well, no, but....
I can do this!!
Maria gave me both days just like that.
Thankfully an actual Zumba instructor threw her hat in the ring
and I "graciously" gave up the Wed. classes to her.
Say Hallelujah!
That took a little pressure off.
This week, starting on Tuesday has been a whirlwind of
preparation and planning,
oh yeah...
OBSESSING non stop about the impending dooms day class
barreling down on me.
I worked a little with our resident Zumba Queen Maria....
she gave me some good ideas and great tips at her place.
I was able to hit Wed. Zumba class
and remember what it was like.
Very helpful.

I have been behind closed doors in our office sweating my
brains out every day since.
Oh, sorry kids, moms got to work on her class.
I'll be out in a minute!!
Please, can I just do this alone with out distractions?
L I know it's your birthday today....
I'll hurry as fast as I can, just six more songs....
um....K are you done in here yet...I am pretty sure
this Zumba thing is way more
important than you making a living for our family.
You get the idea.

Skipping to this morning.
Emily filled in for my Sculpt Your ASSetts class
so I could be fresh for the Dance Fest.
Thank you!

I had 13 attendees.
One being male.
This guy has been to every Zumba class I have ever attended.
He stands smack dab in the
front center of the room.
I was always super annoyed with this guy.
Today I couldn't have cared less.
Perv....not a perv?
Whatever dude.
Just make some noise would ya?
Oh yes he will.

I taped my cheat sheet write up onto the mirror.
I loved having it there,
I think the class liked it as well.
I kept them informed about what was up next.
How long we were going to push it for high intensity,
what muscle group we were going to focus in on, etc.

I was honest with the class and let them know that this
was my first experience teaching any type of
dance class.
(man I hate that word - "dance")
But that my goals were to get them sweating...a lot,
and for them to have a great time.
With that in mind I feel like the class was a big success.
As long as I:
 - constantly portrayed having the time of my life....
- steadily Worked the room like a mad dog....
- heartily Handed out high fives, like candy to my kids....
then room was high energy and loving life.

The song that scared me the most was the Salsa song....
so it finally came to me last night,
I think it was inspiration...
This went over pretty well, I forced a few ladies up front,
we followed them for a while,
Geez -
take the pressure off me for 5 minutes.

If you were to come to the class,
having missed my opening speech you would have
thought I had been teaching this bad boy forever.
I projected confidence like I was a total pro....
inside was a whole other story.
Pretty much constant panic....what is next...
what is next....???
More grapevines!!
I heard a few of the ladies talking after,
they said,
man, that was AWESOME wasn't it??
(why couldn't they have said it to my face?? least I was lucky enough to hear it)

I am on again for next Friday.
I learned some good stuff I will implement into my next class.
i.e. we need a country song.
As I was driving home I realized I left my cheat sheet
taped to the mirror!
I need that.....
Maria was in there now with her
hard core followers....
there was no way I was going to interrupt that show.
You know that's what it is don't you?
It's a performance.
At least that's what it feels like.
The better the entertainer you are the
bigger your fan club and classes become.
Not for our morning class.....but for the club it really feels that way.

After showering I snuck back to retrieve my paper.
I only had to interrupt the seated yoga ladies....
not too embarrassing.
I got home and was totally spent.
E X H A U S T E D.
Every muscle tired and over done.
I ate a massive bowl of white chilly, cut up tomatoes, chips, and guacamole.
Three hard as nails burnt cookies 
(got burnt yesterday while practicing for my class)
and milk.
Showered and went straight to bed.
I plan on doing nothing for the rest of the day, 
sitting and typing yes, 
and attending the talent show tonight.
I am not even making our bed!
The mess will be here for me tomorrow.

The hard part is over.
Next week will be a breeze...
 If only I could call it SWEAT FEST....
that would make me so happy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


For as long as I can remember....
(that is not saying much)
Kevin and I have had a struggle with a certain issue
in our marriage.
I hate to call it a "Power Struggle",
it was more of a "I'm RIGHT, and You are Wrong"
kind of thing. 
I was clearly in the right.
Completely justified in my actions.

The other day, maybe even two weeks ago,
Kevin said to me,
I want you to stop throwing my clothes up into the top 
of my closet.
I said, you mean when you leave your suit coat, pants, and white
shirt draped on the kitchen chairs you 
no longer want me to get them out of sight and 
chuck them in your closet?
After 18 years of marriage I want you to understand 
that you are never going to train me to hang up 
my clothes by teaching me a lesson.
It is never going to work.
Please stop throwing my clothes in my closet.

This was such an interesting conversation for me.
It was almost like I was watching it apart from 
Standing back a little.
Sounds dumb....but I knew right then and there that
that was the right choice.
I will never lay, throw, pack, or jam Kev's 
clothes into his closet again.
It was the end of almost 20 years of conflict and not a little 
bit of resentment at times.
Since that time,
I no longer leave Kevin's pants or shorts out of the wash if he 
leaves his belt in.
If they are on the floor,
I pick them up and look at them,
smell them, as if they were my own,
then I take the belt out, hang it up,
 and either put the shorts/pants in the wash,
or I fold them and put them on his shelf in a loving manner.
I have not been involved with his church clothes once yet.
He has taken them in and hung them up.
But I would do it if I saw that he forgot,
or got busy.
I am looking for the chance when I get to do this for him.
I realized that it is a small and simple thing that I can
do to serve and support him.

What changed?
Why was my heart so soft that day?
Why did it take us (me) nearly 20 years to find peace 
with such a ridiculous precedence I had set?

Since the clothing thing I have 
added pre-loading K's tooth brush each morning and night.
Dumb, maybe, but he has noticed.
This quote is taped in my planner to remind me-
"The small things remind you of why you 
are with this person"