Today is a day of rejoicing.
I am feeling almost normal again.
It has been a rough 5 days.
It started back on Thursday when I felt a possible UTI coming on.
No biggie, I will just drink it off....
been there done that.
Taught my classes on Friday and by that evening
I realized I may not be able to flush it out of my system
on my own.
on my own.
The doctor was closed, urgent care had just closed.
I was having real pain and problems and finally
went to Walgreens for some advice.
I was directed to some miracle medicine that would
"mask" the symptoms until I could get to a doctor for assistance.
That stuff worked wonders and very fast.
That stuff worked wonders and very fast.
Phew.....crisis averted.
Saturday comes, I played it safe and skipped my running group....BOO.
Went to a wonderful double baptism for two
Went to a wonderful double baptism for two
Hit the General RS Broadcast,
which the men, Kevin included, served us as waiters.
Loved it.
It was fun ordering him around.
It was fun ordering him around.
I really enjoyed President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk.
It is here for you to enjoy also.
It is here for you to enjoy also.
Sunday was our primary program.
I sat with our primary stake president and watched our kids
do their very best work.
do their very best work.
Vanessa lead, and Anita played the piano.
I was so pleased with them all.
It was such a thrill and pleasure to see their hard work pay off.
After I took over for V for the most part,
so she could have a little break.
We had a fun sharing time, and then an ice cream social.
so she could have a little break.
We had a fun sharing time, and then an ice cream social.
Very delicious and fun.
By Sunday night again I was in dire straights.
I called my mom....
she said why on earth don't you call your doctor?
Mom, they are closed.
So what? You can still call for help.
My memory starts kicking in.....
wait a minute.
Yeah......they have a doctor on call at all times,
I used to use it all the time for my kids.
I forgot about it for me.
I called, I asked if it was ok if I took another pill, I didn't want it
to interfere with my sample when I came to the doctor
the next day.
The doctor said, yes, of course take it.
You don't need to be uncomfortable and in pain.
We will treat you no matter what,
we will still be able to see the white blood cells.
we will still be able to see the white blood cells.
Awwwww....thank you!
Third dose down.
Monday morning I go into the a prescription, went and filled it.....
all went seamlessly.
I took my first antibiotic.....
it was then that things began to go very, very wrong.
I had a slight fever when I went in,
I came home and had a hot bath,
then went to bed.
Thought I would take it easy, and maybe when I got up
just do some light scrap booking.
Woke up sweating my brains out and nauseous.
Spent the day vomiting and with the runs like non other I have experienced before,
except for once almost 20 years ago while living in Louisiana.
I called the doctor again.
I said I don't think I am on the right medication.
Well, I bet you just have the would be highly unusual for
one pill to cause such a reaction.
Do you even know the side effects?
Do you even know the side effects?
Get a clue!
Kev gave me a blessing and headed off to North Carolina.
The kids opened cans and fed them selves for the next two days.
They loved it.....made all their favorites.
We worked together keeping things picked up.
Yesterday I was feeling better, in that I was no longer throwing up,
but I still had no energy, must have been the "muscle weakness" side effect!
naaaaaaa, probably not, what are the chances?
I would stand, go put away 6 papers.
and lay down for a rest.
Stand, go load the dishwasher with 10 items,
take a break.
My only goal was to get fresh fruit and vegetables back into the house.
At this rate I knew there was no way I was making it to Sams.
V stepped up to the plate and saved the day.
She took my list and nailed it.
Kev gave me a blessing and headed off to North Carolina.
The kids opened cans and fed them selves for the next two days.
They loved it.....made all their favorites.
We worked together keeping things picked up.
Yesterday I was feeling better, in that I was no longer throwing up,
but I still had no energy, must have been the "muscle weakness" side effect!
naaaaaaa, probably not, what are the chances?
I would stand, go put away 6 papers.
and lay down for a rest.
Stand, go load the dishwasher with 10 items,
take a break.
My only goal was to get fresh fruit and vegetables back into the house.
At this rate I knew there was no way I was making it to Sams.
V stepped up to the plate and saved the day.
She took my list and nailed it.
Huge blessing!!!
By evening....somebody was seriously craving a hamburger.
Can you believe that?
I was so happy to feel that way....
still not quite right in the belly,
but still....if that is what I was hankering,
there must be a reason,
I went with it.
The kids were surprised, but happy to oblige.
Went to Wendys and got a Jr. Deluxe.
It sat well.
Guess I needed some red meat protein.
We watched The X Factor and all went to bed.
I woke up once, drenched in sweat, changed, went back to bed.
Maybe that was the last of it leaving my system.
I woke up feeling so wonderful!!
I am so happy.
I am so grateful.
I am not certain that the UTI won't come back
because I only took one pill and will never take another.
But at least I can start fresh.
I had thoughts that maybe my sojourn on this earth were coming to
an end a few times.
I was ok with is all in Gods hands.
What a wimp.
I have a renewed respect and awe factor for those that suffer continually.
I truly do not know how they move from day to day.
I sprang out of my bed directly to my knees.
Thanking Heavenly Father for heath and strength.
Jovially woke the kids up and asked if they wanted sweet rolls for breakfast!!
Mom is back in town kids!
Unfortunately my children are still eating from cans.....
but at least I am the one opening them.
By evening....somebody was seriously craving a hamburger.
Can you believe that?
I was so happy to feel that way....
still not quite right in the belly,
but still....if that is what I was hankering,
there must be a reason,
I went with it.
The kids were surprised, but happy to oblige.
Went to Wendys and got a Jr. Deluxe.
It sat well.
Guess I needed some red meat protein.
We watched The X Factor and all went to bed.
I woke up once, drenched in sweat, changed, went back to bed.
Maybe that was the last of it leaving my system.
I woke up feeling so wonderful!!
I am so happy.
I am so grateful.
I am not certain that the UTI won't come back
because I only took one pill and will never take another.
But at least I can start fresh.
I had thoughts that maybe my sojourn on this earth were coming to
an end a few times.
I was ok with is all in Gods hands.
What a wimp.
I have a renewed respect and awe factor for those that suffer continually.
I truly do not know how they move from day to day.
I sprang out of my bed directly to my knees.
Thanking Heavenly Father for heath and strength.
Jovially woke the kids up and asked if they wanted sweet rolls for breakfast!!
Mom is back in town kids!
Unfortunately my children are still eating from cans.....
but at least I am the one opening them.