The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I did it....!

I made a goal yesterday....I take my goals I completed that goal. I went to the beach ALONE. By myself. It was wonderful! I burnt my cheeks, yep those. At 9:45am, the beach was mostly deserted, just as I had hoped. Even still I walked down quite a ways to be ALONE. I listend to my play-away book and didn't worry about a thing. There was a nice breeze, a few times I walked down to the water and had aspirations to go in up to my shoulders, you know, be daring, but I thought I felt something like a crab pinch at my foot, so that was waaaayyy toooooo creepy to go in any further than my shins, especially ALONE....NO WAY. I beat it out of the water fast after that and just hung where it was safe on the sand.
At one point my phone rang, thought sure it would be a friend, was excited to brag about where I was....what the?...oh, oh, boy. It was Kevin. For a second I felt like I had been caught red handed in the cookie jar. He was calling from Afganistan, he had to ask a few times...."You're at the beach?....ALONE?" ha, ha. yep. "Cool, so you're getting all tanned up for me huh?" PHEW. yes. Yes, that is what I am doing today...that is my assignment for myself.
Now I just need to get that massage booked....busy, busy.


Aubrey said...

I love it!! Your posts are great! That's funny how you wrote about Kevin calling because I totally know that feeling. haha.

Mamapierce said...

What a wonderful phone call to receive! :D

Stacey said...

I love this post! Actually, I love all of them! You make me laugh right out loud!

Anonymous said...

You seriously are funny! I know that "red handed" feeling. Way to turn it around for him! So. . . are you all tanned up?

Melissa said...

Umm, I want that freedom!! Yeah I hate the feeling when you're watching a movie and hubby comes home think that's what you've done all day. :) Who cares!?

Melissa said...

You guys make me laugh! Get this, Kevin called again today....he says, hey I thought you were acting a little squeamish when I called the other day. I couldn't figure out why. He is keeping up with my blog! I didn't think he would pay it a bit of attention. I am going to have to be "aware" , might have to sensor some of my posts. HA HA....just kidding around honey. (no I'm not)