The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, August 20, 2010

One Detail I will NOT miss...

This is Herbie, she is six years old, but it feels like we have had her since time began. I am not a dog lover. Yes, it was me who caved and let the kids get her, I felt guilty, like our kids were missing some kind of right of passage. Also, I had heard dogs are great for teaching responsibility (to who??? moms!?). I have been trying to get rid of Herbie ever far with no success. She is a huge trouble maker, money waster, bowel challenged animal. She is way to aggressive w/ visitors and on and on. The trouble is our next door neighbor has adopted her as his own, (except that his wife will not let him have a dog in the house). They are an older (in their late seventies) couple. We are trapped and stuck with the old girl. I say we, but really I should just say I am stuck. We all know who does all the clean up when the dog has an "accident" and uses the new carpet as a personal toilet. Who takes the little fella to the vet. Is the only one that can hear her pawing, whining, and scratching at the glass door wanting to be let in. Is the only one that sees Herbie fling her food dish across the kitchen tile saying she is starving. But when I say it is time for her to go, time stands still and suddenly she is the best, most lovable, wanted dog in the world. Whatever. One day I am going to act.
Anyway, late last night, deep in sleep, I was abrasively awoken and scared half out of my wits by loud panicked Herbie barking right outside our bedroom slider. Knowing that she is 100% def I was trying to see what had awoken her to such a frenzy. I saw nothing, so I gave Herbie the signal to get back on her pad. She looked at me, squatted, and peed on the rug. Oh my heck I really hate her.


Melissa said...

Can I just laugh so much reading a blog? YES with yours! Really excited you're doing this because I love listening to your stories. I'm sorry the dog issue is so awful and especially peeing right in front of you! Hurray for a new, amazing THRONE!

Mamapierce said...

Grrr to accidents on new carpet! I never wanted a dog and then we got Maggie. I love this pup. Perhaps a different dog might be more what you're looking for??

HB said...

First try at a comment...

Herbie tried to tell you, but you decided NOT to listen. Certainly there is a life lesson in there somewhere...?


Melissa said... my sister. Good job at the first post attempt. Looks like a success. YES, you are right, there is a life lesson in is, NEVER GET ANOTHER DOG...EVER!