The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Unwanted Love Notes....

After the first week of school I was reading on someones Facebook about how her little daughter's favorite part of her day at school was receiving the special "love note" that her mommy had made for her and tucked into her lunch. I felt awful after reading that post. What kind of a mom am I not to have thought of that? Who am I not to do all that I can, and more, to make my kids feel extra special? I vowed then and there to get on board w/ the surprise love notes in the lunches. When the kids were sleeping I made my special notes, nothing too extravagant.
The next day I sent them off, excited for their return, and to hear their surprised reactions. 3pm came and I met them outside. They seemed a little put off.....didn't want to make eye contact. I was curious about this. After a snack, and not one of the kids mentioning the notes, I knew I was going to have to start digging. McCauley was cleaning out her backback, and took out her leftover lunch sack. She took out the small note and was like "What in the world was this? None of my friends and I could read it. (It said, I heart (the shape) McCauley, love mom) Why did you put it in there?" ok, that was not as expected. I was with Lawson a few minutes later, I asked if he found his note. YES.....WHY'D YOU DO THAT? I pulled it out and everyone started yelling and laughing and trying to grab it, but I shredded it before anyone could take it. Gall, don't do that again. K. Ryker was the most bothered, he said roughly the same thing, when the other kids saw that he had something on paper in his bag, not food, they pounced, "Ryker got a love note, Ryker got a love note". He was so embarrassed. He asked me please never to do that again. Man those school kids are VOLTURES. A friend told me that her son did not like her to send in notes to school.....I hadn't understood why until now. She throws in a hershey kiss or something to remind him that she loves him during lunch. I think I will give that a shot.


Mamapierce said...

I've done that with Anna's lunchboxes, too, and she wasn't too thrilled about it. However, I just read on a blog that you should include a joke in their lunch - I think I might try that, since Anna loves jokes. :D

Stacey said...

I love your blog! Too cute! You have inspired me to get back to mine!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I also fell into that trap, even buying special "lunch note" stationary. They were all mortified! I was so disappointed that I quite making there lunches all together. Lame I know, but I like the chocolate kiss and joke ideas though. I might try again.

Anonymous said...

Um...If you would only listen to me. When will you learn I am the wise one:)

Melissa said...

Thanks for your comments guys!!! How exciting to check my blog and see you had visited. I like the ideas, AND I am comforted to know that you all had roughly the same experience. What has happened to kids these days?